Key Policies & Industry Links
Key Policies
Assetinsure takes ethical and responsible decision making very seriously. We expect our employees and Directors to do the same, as reflected in our policies listed below.

We value the privacy of your personal information and acknowledge the importance of protecting your personal information. This Privacy Policy outlines how we handle your personal information. Privacy Policy

If you think we have let you down in any way, or our service is not what you expect, please tell us so that we can help. Complaints Handling Policy

It is Assetinsure’s policy to act honestly, fairly and be transparent with all parties involved in the repair process (for all Motor Insurance Claims). This policy specifies the standards Assetinsure expect from Repairers; the guarantees Assetinsure makes in relation to Repairers; and the Dispute resolution process. Repair Policy

Assetinsure strongly believe that family and domestic violence is never acceptable. We believe in doing the right thing by our customers, respecting who they are and their individual circumstances. This Policy sets out how Assetinsure supports our customers who are affected by family and domestic violence. We are committed to working with our stakeholders to contribute to a domestic violence-free future, reduce the risk of harm and to help keep our customers safe. Group Family Violence Policy

Assetinsure and its distributor’s employees may not be able to help its policyholders outside the scope of insurance or financial matters. Our employees will suggest to the policy holder that they contact a relevant external support organisation. Specialist services available for policy holders

Assetinsure is committed to encouraging staff to make a practical difference to the world we live in. Assetinsure Charity Policy Goal and Values Statement

Assetinsure is committed to having a customer-centric approach to the development and distribution of our insurance products which results in products being directed towards appropriate target markets. An overview of this approach is outlined here – Product Development Philosophy

We distribute a range of general insurance products through selected distribution partners.
Click here for the full list of our partner Target Market Determinations (TMD).

We understand that there are times when circumstances beyond your control can make it difficult to meet all your financial commitments. Our Financial Hardship Policy outlines where we may be able to help.

Assetinsure is committed to maintaining a high level of legal, ethical and moral behaviour in governance and operational standards. As part of this commitment, Assetinsure recognises the need to have robust procedures in place to ensure people can report instances of suspected unethical, illegal, fraudulent or undesirable conduct by Assetinsure or its officers, employees or agents, and to ensure that anyone who does report such behaviour can do so without fear of reprisal, discrimination, intimidation or victimisation. Assetinsure’s Whistleblower Policy seeks to provide information and guidance to external persons in making protected disclosures to Assetinsure.
This Whistleblower Hotline is a dedicated confidential service managed through the Hopgood Ganim law firm to record and manage all disclosures. You can contact the hotline by calling 1800 879 606 or emailing whistleblower@hopgoodganim.

Financial Services Guide (FSG)
This Financial Services Guide (FSG) provides information about the financial products and services we are authorised to provide in respect of a general insurance policy, to help you decide whether to use those services, how our staff and associates are remunerated, arrangements we have in place to compensate retail clients for loss, how you can make a complaint and how complaints are handled, and how we respect your privacy.
As a member of the Insurance Council of Australia (ICA), Assetinsure has adopted the Code of Practice. The Code sets a general and transparent benchmark for all member companies describing in general terms the way in which risk underwriting, claims and complaints are handled.
Some of the Key Policies included on our website also reflect obligations on Assetinsure under the Code of Practice (e.g. Group Family Violence Policy, Complaints Handling Policy). The Code Governance Committee (CGC) is the independent body that monitors and enforces insurer’s compliance with the Code of Practice.
Anyone can report an alleged breach of the Code to the CGC at
The industry holds that it will help all stakeholders to better understand how general insurance works. Please visit the ICA’s Code of Practice website for further information. If you would like more information about general insurance, we suggest you talk to your broker or visit the ICA’s website.