Risk Partner

Landlord Insurance

Property Agents and Direct Business

Property Insurance Plus (PIP) is an Australian owned and operated company. Our business is built on the extensive experience our team shares across the landlord insurance and real estate sectors.

Providing broker services

SGUA  is a niche market underwriter that specialises in providing insurance for residential investment properties. Our landlord insurance can help protect your property and rental income against unexpected events, problematic tenants and a variety of other cases. We are Australian based and operated and have been providing the best value landlord insurance at competitive prices since 1991.

What is landlords insurance and who needs it?

Investing in property can be a rewarding experience which is designed to build wealth and stability for your future. As with any investment, there is an element of risk; however, you can reduce this by covering your property with specialised Landlords insurance.

Specialised insurance will not only cover the property for damage caused by events like fire or storm; it can also include benefits to protect your property asset and rental income from the tenant and 3rd party-related risks.

Assetinsure provides the insurance for Landlord Insurance via the following partners:

St. George Underwriting Agency (SGUA)
Property Insurance Plus (PIP)